27: Grace for Everyday Devotions
In this episode, I read a recent blog post by David Mathis at Desiring God. David writes about the struggles we all have in our Bible reading and gives us great encouragement to persevere.
Welcome to The Gospel Changes Everything Podcast, where, together, we'll explore how Jesus transforms us everyday.
In this episode, I read a recent blog post by David Mathis at Desiring God. David writes about the struggles we all have in our Bible reading and gives us great encouragement to persevere.
The question we want to answer today is, “Can I Know God Personally?” and the short answer is simply, YES. In order to start understanding this answer let’s go back to the beginning of time and the creation of man. In Genesis 1: 27 we read, So God created man in his own image, in […]
In this episode, I read a chapter out of J. Oswald Sanders book, A Spiritual Clinic. In this chapter, he retells the courageous story of Caleb, a man “wholly committed to the Lord.”
Learn the magnitude of the truth that God’s Holy Spirit lives in you.
Dawson Trotman was founder of the Navigators, one of the most influential discipleship ministries of our time. This talk is entitled “Born to Reproduce”. It has motivated and inspired me in my own path to disciple others since I was in high school. If you enjoy this podcast please share it with your friends!
Although there are different Spiritual gifts they all have the SAME PURPOSE. What is the purpose of having Spiritual gifts and using them? Verse 7 says, “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. And the common good is to build up the church, to encourage one another in faith […]
This episode in the book of Judges shows us that God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. But not for our own glory, rather for His purposes and will, and of course for His own glory.
You are a Blessing to Others When we read the Bible we need to see and understand that God has a redemptive plan from beginning to end. From Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 God’s plan is to create and redeem a people for Himself. A people who will worship and glorify Him for who He […]
Our life is not about glorifying ourselves, it’s about glorifying God. And when we do, then we get the benefit of a truly satisfied life.
God knows these three areas of your Life better than you do. Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! 24 And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! Psalm 139 can be a very comforting Psalm or a very disturbing Psalm. […]
Your response to the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ is worship.
What happens when you don’t feed yourself I just preached a sermon on Philippians 2 where we talked about how God has taken care of all of our needs and how this frees us up to take care of the needs of others. What this does NOT mean is that we don’t take care of […]
This past weekend my wife Julie and I were able to take a few couples away to the beach for a couples retreat. It was just a time to get away to do some soul-searching within our marriages and think about the future. We talked about how we feel God is working on each of […]
Have you ever sat down to have your devotional or quiet time and were wondering what you should read that day in your Bible? Maybe you just finished reading a specific book of the Bible or you finished a devotional book and you are just not sure where to go today. While there is no […]
What God thinks about those who are in Christ He treasures you, prizes you and cares about you. He never forgets you. You are precious to Him. He considers you completely worth-while. He calls you His beloved. You are dear to his heart. He is devoted to you and has deep affection for you. […]
This is a bonus episode from an excerpt from a sermon by John Piper entitled Use Your Sin. John Piper is without a doubt one of the greatest Pastor/Theologians of all time. I encourage you to go to his website and listen, read, or watch as much as you can. Sermon Jam based on an […]
When I was in high school, my Young Life Leader, Casey Dunn, would meet every week with me and a small group of guys. He would teach us what it meant to follow Jesus and how to grow in our relationship with Christ. One of the things we did was to work through the Navigators […]
If we are going to be able to live out the commands of God then we have to know who we are. To know who we are means to know who God has made us to be through Jesus.
God is the Creator and preserver of everything that exists. See how these gospel truths impact your daily life.
The Biblical theologian and prophet Jeremiah, makes a strong contrast in Jeremiah 17:5-8, Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord. 6 He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched […]
Want to start the New Year off right? Want to be a better person? You can’t do it yourself. You are going to need God to do it for you.
You will often hear me refer to my “Friday Morning Men’s Bible Study.” We meet every Friday all year long at a local Panera coffee shop at 6:30 am. You are welcome to join us if you are ever in Midlothian, VA! We’ve been meeting for over 8 years now and spun off a few […]
Ever wonder why or how to pray for your enemies? Me too! But I think Jesus can shed some light on this topic for us. Check it out…
1 Corinthians 15:1-6 Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, 2 and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. 3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our […]
Whenever I read a passage of Scripture, whether it’s in my personal devotions or to prepare for a study, my first question is always, “What am I supposed to do?” Now, there is nothing wrong with this question. However, this should not be the first question we ask of a passage, it should be the last.
Our challenge is to familiarize ourselves with the stories of salvation history in the Bible. The Bible reveals in full color the greatness and majesty of a loving Creator who has shown mercy on a rebellious creation. Our call to action is to mine out the gems of the Old and New Testaments that declare the glory of God through His Son Jesus.
Has God been spiritually generous to you through Christ? How can you pass along what God has poured into you, into others? Spiritual generosity is a game changer!